Opportunity for the HORIZON-CL3-2024-CS-01-01 funding call

Approaches and tools for security in software and hardware development and assessment


November 20, 2024

Project types:

  1. HORIZON-IA HORIZON Innovation Actions

Project Proposal

The Software and System Verification research group at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (https://ssv.dais.unive.it/) is a research team focused on static analysis and its applications. We are experts in vulnerability detection, software engineering, and programming languages in general.

We are also seeking partners that want to join a consortium to submit a proposal to HORIZON-CL3-2024-CS-01-01. We already have several academic partners that have expertise in:
- Systematic and, where possible, automated study of vulnerabilities, software analysis, vulnerability discovery, and dynamic security assessment.
- AI-based security services e.g. predictive security, advanced anomaly and intrusion detection, system health checks.

We are seeking (preferably industrial) partners with expertise in:
- Improved software security engineering; resilient systems design;
- Improved access to testing of software in virtual, closed and secure environments;
- Trustworthy certifiable software.

Please contact prof. Pietro Ferrara ([email protected]) if interested.